Scenario Planning Design by Futurist Barbara

15 Key Steps for Effective Scenario Planning Design

resources scenario planning May 03, 2023

Ready to design a powerful scenario planning project that will steer your organization towards success in this uncertain world? You're in the right place! Scenario planning requires a set of tools and resources to do it effectively. Here is a checklist of resources to help you plan.


Scenario planning project design


Preparation and Kickoff

1. Clear Objectives and Scope: Define specific and measurable objectives for the scenario planning project. Knowing what you want to achieve will keep everyone focused and on track.

2. Kickoff Workshop: Organize a high-energy kickoff workshop to introduce the project, set expectations, and get everyone excited about the journey ahead. This will create momentum and build enthusiasm among the team.


Team Members and Stakeholders

3. Core Scenario Planning Team: Gather a dynamic team with diverse skills and perspectives, including strategic thinkers, subject matter experts, representatives from different departments, and decision-makers. Their combined insights will be invaluable. 

4. Stakeholder Engagement: Identify key stakeholders who can provide critical input and play a vital role in implementing your scenarios. Think partners, suppliers, customers, and external experts - their collaboration is key to enriching your insights and fostering relationships.


Analytical Tools and Resources

5. Business Intelligence Tools: Tools like Tableau or Microsoft Power AI for collecting and analyzing current trends and data (for a comparison of Tableau vs. Ms Power AI, go here)

6. Trend and Market Research: Access to databases or services that provide up-to-date information on market trends and industry news. Examples: Trend Hunter or WGSN

5. Futurist Reports or Consultation: Services that provide insights into potential future trends or disruptions.

6. Competitive Analysis Tools: Resources to help assess your competitors' strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Click here for a list


Facilitation and Documentation Tools

7. Scenario Planning Software or Templates: Simplify the scenario development process with user-friendly tools that guide your team.

8. Collaboration Tools: Foster creativity and teamwork with online platforms or software for brainstorming, voting, decision-making, and sharing ideas. I like PollEverywhere (it also integrates with Teams)

9. Project Management Tools: Keep your scenario planning process on track with efficient project management tools. No more missed deadlines or confusion.

10. Documentation Management: Ensure the hard work is well-documented for future reference. Unfortunately, a shared directory on your intranet is not well suited to unlock its treasures. Storing, yes; annotating, retrieving, and analyzing, no. For that, you'll need software like Evernote Teams or Obsidian.


Meeting Resources

11. Meeting Space: Create a focused and comfortable virtual or physical environment for your team to strategize.


12. Scenario Planning Books, Articles, or Courses: Provide your team with a solid theoretical foundation for their scenario planning journey. Knowledge is power! Check this checklist for scenario planning knowledge and backgrounds.


Let's Help Other Readers and Each Other

Do you have tips to add to this checklist? Please leave your tip in the comments. 

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